
Relaxation Bodywork

If you are tense and need to relax due to stress, anxiety, or major life changes, relaxation bodywork is for you. This session causes your body to fall into a deep relaxation and ignites self-healing and restoration, reversing daily stresses that break it down.

Sessions: 60, 90, and 120 minutes

If you are tense and need to relax due to stress, anxiety, or major life changes, relaxation bodywork is for you. This session causes your body to fall into a deep relaxation and ignites self-healing and restoration, reversing daily stresses that break it down.

Health Benefits:

  1. Better circulation and lowered blood pressure
  2. Deeper rest during the night
  3. A healthier body due to release of toxins
  4. Decreased level of stress and anxiety
  5. Increased blood flow to the brain
  6. Mental clarity and increased positive mental attitude
  7. Many other benefits

Therapy Description:

The service is not designed to relieve pain but to create relaxation throughout the body. During a sour goal is to release stored muscle tension and to relax the body, mind, and emotions.

Before Your Session:

Before your session, you will want to drink an adequate amount of water. Take time to mentally prepare. Clear your mind so that you are able to focus on relaxation while in your session. Your time on the table is meant to let go of solving your problems. Interestingly enough, we find that once clients truly relax they find themselves able to be more creative and more engaged in problem-solving procedures.

How You’ll Feel:

You will feel relaxed and restful as well as energized. You may even feel reflective as your body and mind have been brought to a level of rest so you can heal and be restored.

Get the Most from Your Treatment:

This service is a great way to enter into the bodywork world. Relaxation Bodywork compliments the benefits of the Hocatt and/or PEMF services.

Please remember to drink water before and after your session. We encourage you to eat healthy, homecooked meals and try to be as active as your body allows without overdoing it. Please consider doing an epigenetics test which will help you pinpoint areas to work on that will help you detox and aid in your overall wellness.

Relaxation Bodywork

Session DurationPrice
60 Minutes$95
90 minutes$105
120 minutes$160
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